COVID-19 Update | World Mosquito Program Skip to main content

It is impossible to know exactly how, where or for how long current events will continue to unfold; the situation and the global response continues to shift by the hour. The COVID-19 pandemic is impacting our staff and the communities where we work in diverse ways, and as a result we have all had to change the way we work, live and interact in some way or another. To navigate through this period, WMP will draw heavily on its core values.

With that in mind, the decision has been made to pause activities in most sites that require community interaction such as trapping or releasing mosquitoes. This is not the time to be undertaking these activities given the need for physical distancing, but also given the emotional burden this crisis is placing on both our staff and community members.

Initially, we expect the pause to be in effect for three months.

We will continue to promote preventative measures against mosquito-borne disease wherever and however we can. However, the immediate safety and well-being of our staff and the communities in which we work is our highest priority.

The WMP culture is compassionate and strong – built around the drive to protect people from mosquito-transmitted disease. You can rest assured that drive remains as strong right now as ever. 

Want to learn more about the World Mosquito Program and our sustainable and nature-based Wolbachia method?